Articles found : 7

search term: small changes
apple iPhone Thumbnail

Apple has yielded to pressure from European legislators and announced plans to open up its mobile operating system. The changes, which may come into effect with iOS 17, are expected to be significant. Third-party app stores may be allowed, with the messaging system and many built-in apps on iPhones and iPads being replaced by open options.... Read More

Keywords: Apple iOS third-party app stores built-in apps Security concerns ...
Flask Web Development Best Practices: Designing a Safe Delete Feature Thumbnail

Discover how to implement a secure delete functionality for books in your Flask application. This comprehensive guide covers backend considerations for authentication, file deletion, and database operations, complemented by a compact yet effective Jinja2 template for the frontend. Enhance user experience with a small "Delete" button and a JavaScript confirmation popup, preventing accidental deletions. Explore the world of Flask functionalities and feel free to reach out for personalized articles tailored to your specific interests... Read More

Keywords: Flask Flask application secure delete backend security frontend design ...
Book cover: L'ère du vide (The Age of the Empty) - By Gilles Lipovetsky Thumbnail

L'ère du vide" (The Age of the Empty) is a thought-provoking book by the French philosopher and sociologist Gilles Lipovetsky. Published in 1983, the book analyzes the cultural and social changes that took place in the late 20th century and predicts the direction in which our society is heading... Read More

Keywords: L'ère du vide The Age of the Empty Gilles Lipovetsky modern society individualism ...
Navigating the Digital Age: Understanding the Impact of Technology on Society Thumbnail

Discover the impact of technology on society and learn how to find balance in a tech-dominated world. Explore the changes in communication and work dynamics brought by technology and uncover practical tips for maintaining a healthy relationship with technology. Whether you're struggling with information overload or social isolation, this article offers insights to help you navigate the digital age.... Read More

Keywords: technology society impact balance communication ...

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