Articles found : 59

search term: web application security
Realm of myths and legends poster, Meet Astratis: The Rebellious Son of Thunder in Realm Of Myths and Legends Thumbnail

Rebellious Son of Thunder, Astratis is a fictional character from the webnovel Realm Of Myths and Legends. He is one of the celestials, the original inhabitants of the Hidden Celestial Abode, a secret realm in the VMMORPG game Realm Of Myths and Legends (RML). Uncover his rebellious nature, his relationship with Izroth, and his speculated role in the game's unfolding story.... Read More

Keywords: Astratis Realm Of Myths and Legends webnovel character analysis Izroth ...
apple iPhone Thumbnail

Apple has yielded to pressure from European legislators and announced plans to open up its mobile operating system. The changes, which may come into effect with iOS 17, are expected to be significant. Third-party app stores may be allowed, with the messaging system and many built-in apps on iPhones and iPads being replaced by open options.... Read More

Keywords: Apple iOS third-party app stores built-in apps Security concerns ...
Computer Science: Meta vs chatGPT: The war of AI is just getting started Thumbnail

Meta has introduced LLaMA-13B, a new AI-powered large language model (LLM) that reportedly outperforms OpenAI's GPT-3 model despite being significantly smaller in size. LLaMA-13B is part of a new family of language models called Large Language Model Meta AI (LLAMA), which includes models ranging from 7 billion to 65 billion parameters in size. The models were trained using publicly available datasets, which means they could be potentially open sourced. Meta hopes that LLaMA will be useful in natural language research and power applications such as question answering, natural language understanding, and reading comprehension.... Read More

Keywords: Meta AI LLaMA-13B AI-powered large language model ...

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