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Hidden Gems of Vim: Tricks for Efficient Text Editing

Category: vim

Date: 36 days ago
Views: 120

Unlocking Vim's Hidden Potential: Tricks and Gems for Power Users

Vim is more than just a text editor; it's a powerhouse of efficiency. While many users are familiar with its basics, countless hidden features can transform your workflow. Let’s dive into some advanced Vim tricks and hidden gems that you might not know!

1. Working with Numbers Like a Pro

Increment and Decrement Across a Block: Visual mode isn’t just for selecting text; it can handle numbers too. Select a block of numbers, then use g<C-a> to increment or g<C-x> to decrement them sequentially. Perfect for creating numbered lists or adjusting configurations.

Smart Increment: Want to increment all numbers in a file? Use :%s/\\d\\+/\\=submatch(0) + 1/g. This substitution command handles it beautifully.

2. Mastering Text Manipulation

Seamless Line Joining: Use gJ to join lines without inserting a space. Ideal for cleaning up code or text.

Duplicate Lines in a Snap: Duplicate the current line with :t.. Efficient and straightforward!

Remove Blank Lines: Clean up your document by removing blank lines with :g/^$/d.

3. Unlocking the Power of Registers

Preserve the Clipboard: Use the black hole register "_d to delete text without affecting your clipboard. Say goodbye to accidental overwrites!

Direct Register Input: Need to add text to a register quickly? Use :let @"="your text" to assign text to the unnamed register.

4. Smart Navigation with Marks

Jump to Last Edit: Quickly return to the last modified position with `.. Never lose track of your edits again.

Start and End of Changes: Use `[ and `] to jump to the start and end of the last change.

5. Advanced Search and Replace

Pattern-Based Increments: Increment all numbers matching a pattern with :g/pattern/exe "normal <C-a>".

Add Prefixes and Suffixes: Transform every line by adding a prefix and suffix using :%s/^\\(.*\\)$/Prefix \\1 Suffix/.

6. Making the Most of Visual Mode

Reselect Your Last Selection: Press gv to reselect the previous visual selection effortlessly.

Execute Macros in a Range: Select a block and execute a macro over it with :'<,'>normal @q.

7. Enhancing Buffers and Tabs

Vertical Diff Splits: Use :vert diffsplit {file} to compare files side by side with a vertical split.

Tabs in Control: Reorganize your tabs with :tabm {n} and execute commands across all tabs using :tabdo {cmd}.

8. Uncommon Editing Features

Insert Shell Output: Bring external command results into Vim with :read !ls.

Batch Edit Lines: Append a semicolon to all lines with :normal! A;.

9. Miscellaneous Gems

ASCII and Unicode Insight: Know exactly what character you’re dealing with using ga.

Quick File Navigation: Open the file path under your cursor in a new buffer with gf.

Session Management: Save and restore your session with :mksession mysession.vim and :source mysession.vim.


Vim’s true power lies in its depth and versatility. Mastering these hidden gems can significantly enhance your productivity. Try them out and incorporate them into your daily workflow—you’ll wonder how you ever lived without them!


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