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\begin{scope}[font=\small\sffamily, text=black!70!red]
    \node[person, minimum size=.8cm, anchor=center, shirt=red, #1] (#3) at #4 {#3};
    \path ( node[midway]{#2};

\begin{scope}[font=\small\sffamily, text=black!70!red]
    \node[person, minimum size=.8cm, anchor=center, mirrored, shirt=blue, #1] (#3) at #4 {#3};
    \path ( node[midway]{#2};


\begin{scope}[shift={(#1)}, transform shape, rotate=#2]
\node[minimum width=.55cm,minimum height=1.832cm, anchor=west] (small#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=1.65cm,minimum height=4.032cm, anchor=west] (big#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[minimum width=.244cm, minimum height=.732cm, anchor=east] (goal#2) at (0,0) {};
\node[inner sep=.3mm, circle, fill=white] (penalty#2) at (1.1,0) {};
    \tikzset{every path/.style={}}
    \clip (big#2.south east) rectangle ++ (1,5);
    \draw[white, very thick] (penalty#2) circle (0.915cm);

    every node/.style={draw=white, very thick, inner sep=0, outer sep=0},
   every path/.style={draw=white, very thick},
\fill[field] (-1,-1) rectangle (13,10);
\node[minimum width=12cm, minimum height=9cm] (contour) at (6,4.5) {};

%\draw[yellow,thin] (contour.south west) grid (contour.north east);

% Center
\draw (contour.north) -- (contour.south);
\draw ( circle (0.915cm);
\fill[white] ( circle (.5mm);

% Areas

% Corners
\foreach \corner [count=\xi starting from 0] in {south west, south east, north east, north west}{
    \begin{scope}[rotate around={90*\xi:(contour.\corner)}]
        \draw ([xshift=1mm]contour.\corner) arc (0:90:1mm);



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Class: Figures
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