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Class: Tronc Commun Sciences
Views:  893

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5 Comments, Latest

  • jack
    3 months ago

    Hello, actually I am having a problem solving it. Can you please help me?

  • jack
    3 months ago

    Hello, actually I am having a problem solving it. Can you please help me?

  • admin Admin Reply
    3 months ago

    Hello, actually I am having a problem solving it. Can you please help me?

    Greetings, thanks for your comment , what exercise are having difficulties with?, I was planning to post the correction of this exam and many others, I just don't have the time as of late, tell me the exercise you need and I might prioritize it. and post the solution soon

  • jack Reply
    3 months ago

    Greetings, thanks for your comment , what exercise are having difficulties with?, I was planning to post the correction of this exam and many others, I just don't have the time as of late, tell me the exercise you need and I might prioritize it. and post the solution soon

    an exercise 2 -2 and 3-2 ,3

  • admin Admin Reply
    3 months ago

    an exercise 2 -2 and 3-2 ,3

    for exercise 2, question 2 : use the formula : sinx^2+cosx^2 = 1 with sinx = 3/7, substitute and continue until you find the cosx^2 = 40/49, but given x in the interval pi/2 < x <pi, its cos should be negative so cos x = - square root 40/ 7

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