% Rectangle with wavy border and text node
shape=rectangle, % Rectangle shape
decoration={random steps, segment length=2mm, amplitude=2mm}, % Wavy effect
fill=cyan!20, % Background color
draw=red, % Border color
line width=1pt, % Border thickness
inner sep=8pt, % Padding between text and border
text width=6.5cm, % Width of the text box
align=center, % Center the text
] (sticker) at (0, 0) { % Position of the sticker
\textbf{The answer to life the universe and everything }\\[0.3em]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.
% Label
\node[red, font=\fontsize{28}{30}\selectfont] at ([xshift=0.5cm]sticker.north west) {
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