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\usepackage{tikz,amsmath, amssymb,bm,color,graphicx}

	recA/.style={rectangle,draw,text centered,fill=yellow,text width=3.5cm},
	recB/.style={rectangle,draw,text centered,fill=blue!40,text width=2.7cm},
	recD/.style={rectangle,draw,text centered,fill=red!40,text width=3.5cm},
	recC/.style={rectangle,draw,text centered,fill=green!40,text width=3.5cm},
	recE/.style={rectangle,draw,text centered,text width=4cm},

\begin{tikzpicture}[rounded corners=4pt]
\node(a) at (-0.5,0)[recA] {$\lim\limits_{x \to \infty} f(x)=a$};
\node(b) [right=0.4cm of a ,recA] {$\lim\limits_{x \to \infty} f(x)=\infty$};
\node(c) [right=0.4 of b, recA] {$\lim\limits_{x \to a} f(x)=\infty$};
\node(d) [below = 1cm of a ,recE] {Asymptote horizontale d'équation $y=a$};
\node(e) [right=0.4cm of c ,recE] {Asymptote verticale d'équation $x=a$};
\node(f) [below=1cm of d ,recE] {Asymptote oblique d'équation $y=ax+b$};

\node(g) [right=0.4cm of d ,recC] {$\lim\limits_{x \to \infty} f(x)-(ax+b)=0$};
\node(h) [right=0.4cm of g ,recB] {$\lim\limits_{x \to \infty} \dfrac{f(x)}{x}=a$};
\node(i) [right=0.4cm of h ,recB] {$\lim\limits_{x \to \infty} \dfrac{f(x)}{x}=\infty$};
\node(j) [right=0.4cm of i ,recB] {$\lim\limits_{x \to \infty} \dfrac{f(x)}{x}=0$};
\node(k) [right =1cm of f ,recD] {$\lim\limits_{x \to \infty} f(x)-(ax)=b$};
\node(l) [right =0.4cm of k,recD] {$\lim\limits_{x \to \infty} f(x)-(ax)=\infty$};

\node(m) [below=1cm of k,xshift=0.5cm ,recE] {Direction asymptotique\\ vers la droite d'équation $y=ax$};
\node(n) [right=0.4cm of m ,recE] {Direction asymptotique vers l'axe des ordonnés};
\node(o) [right=0.4cm of n ,recE] {Direction Asymptotique vers l'axe des abscisses};
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% arrows %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\draw[arr](b.south) -- ([yshift=-0.4cm]b.south) -| ([xshift=-0.5cm]g.north);
\draw[arr](b.south) -- ([yshift=-0.4cm]b.south) -| (h.north);
\draw[arr](b.south) -- ([yshift=-0.4cm]b.south) -| (i.north);
\draw[arr](b.south) -- ([yshift=-0.4cm]b.south) -| (j.north);
\draw[arr](h.south) -- ([yshift=-0.4cm]h.south) -| (k.north);
\draw[arr](h.south) -- ([yshift=-0.4cm]h.south) -| (l.north);
\draw[arr](l.south) --([yshift=-0.5cm]l.south)-|([xshift=-0.17cm]m.north);
\draw[arr](i.south) --([yshift=-2.5cm]i.south)-|([xshift=-0.17cm]n.north);

\coordinate (A) at (-0.5,-6);

\draw[red!50] (A) circle (1.5cm);
% Draw the inner circle
\draw[red!50] (A) circle (1.15cm);
% Draw the curved line
\draw[red!50, decorate, decoration={text along path,
	text={|\fontspec{DejaVu Sans}\color{red!75}\bfseries|★MOSAID RADOUAN★},
	text align={align=center}, raise=-3pt}] (A) ++ (180:1.3cm) arc (180:0:1.3cm);
\draw[decorate, decoration={text along path,
	text={|\fontspec{DejaVu Sans}\color{red!75}\bfseries|∞★★∞ },
	text align={align=center}, raise=-3pt}] (A) ++ (180:1.33cm) arc (-180:0:1.33cm);
\node[red!75,font=\fontsize{48}{48}\fontspec{DejaVu Sans}\bfseries\selectfont] at (A) {✷};


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