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\tcbox[size=title, colback=qualEmpty!60, colframe=qualEmpty!80]{}
\tcbox[size=title, colback=swotS!60, colframe=swotS!80!black]{High probability}
\tcbox[size=title, colback=swotS!60, colframe=swotS!80!black]{Medium probability}
\tcbox[size=title, colback=swotS!60, colframe=swotS!80!black]{Low probability}

\tcbox{High impact}
\begin{tcolorbox}[equal height group=A, size=fbox, colback=qualH!60, colframe=swotS!80!black]
\item business 1
\item business 2
\item business 3
\item product 1
\item product 2
\item product 3
\begin{tcolorbox}[equal height group=A, size=fbox, colback=qualH!60, colframe=swotW!80!black]
\item business 1
\item business 2
\item business 3
\item product 1
\item product 2
\item product 3
\begin{tcolorbox}[equal height group=A, size=fbox, colback=qualM!60, colframe=swotW!80!black]
\item business 1
\item business 2
\item business 3
\item product 1
\item product 2
\item product 3

\tcbox{Medium impact}
\begin{tcolorbox}[equal height group=A, size=fbox, colback=qualH!60, colframe=swotO!80!black]
\item business 1
\item business 2
\item business 3
\item product 1
\item product 2
\item product 3
\begin{tcolorbox}[equal height group=A, size=fbox, colback=qualM!60, colframe=swotT!80!black]
\item business 1
\item business 2
\item business 3
\item product 1
\item product 2
\item product 3
\begin{tcolorbox}[equal height group=A, size=fbox, colback=qualL!60, colframe=swotT!80!black]
\item business 1
\item business 2
\item business 3
\item product 1
\item product 2
\item product 3

\tcbox{Low impact}
\begin{tcolorbox}[equal height group=A, size=fbox, colback=qualM!60, colframe=swotO!80!black]
\item business 1
\item business 2
\item business 3
\item product 1
\item product 2
\item product 3
\begin{tcolorbox}[equal height group=A, size=fbox, colback=qualL!60, colframe=swotT!80!black]
\item business 1
\item business 2
\item business 3
\item product 1
\item product 2
\item product 3
\begin{tcolorbox}[equal height group=A, size=fbox, colback=qualL!60, colframe=swotT!80!black]
\item business 1
\item business 2
\item business 3
\item product 1
\item product 2
\item product 3




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Class: Figures
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