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Ce code LaTeX crée des images encerclées des participants pour un poster d'un séminaire ou une présentation.



% Define the radius of the outer circle
% Define the radius of the inner circle

% Get the natural width of the image

        \draw[yellow] (0,0) circle (\outerRadius);
        \draw[yellow] (0,0) circle (\innerRadius);

        \fill[yellow] (0,0) circle (\outerRadius) -- (0,0) circle (\innerRadius);

        % Clip the image to the shape of the inner circle
        \clip (0,0) circle (\innerRadius);

        % Calculate the correct width to fit the image perfectly inside the inner circle
        \pgfmathsetmacro{\scalefactor}{\innerRadius / (0.5 * \imgwidth)}

        % Include the image inside the inner circle with the calculated width
        \node at (0,0) {\includegraphics[scale=\scalefactor]{#1}};
      \node[blue,below, font=\Large\bfseries, align=center, inner sep=2pt, minimum width=2cm, minimum height=2cm, text width=3.5cm, text badly centered] at (0,-\outerRadius) {\Centering #2};


\pic{outputimage.jpg}{Dr. Ethan Thompson}
\pic{female.png}{PhD. Sophia Rodriguez}
\pic{13mlw3.jpg}{Mia Anderson}
\pic{ef153.jpg}{Dr Mohamed Ali Soltan}


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Class: Figures
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