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  \coordinate (O) at (0,0);
  \draw[dashed] (\angle:\secondradius) arc (\angle:\secondangle:\secondradius);
  \draw[dashed] (\angle:\radius) arc (\angle:\secondangle:\radius);
  \draw[-stealth,blue] (O) -- (65:\radius) node[midway, yshift=2pt, sloped, font=\fontsize{5}{5}\selectfont] {$\varepsilon$} ;
  \draw[-stealth,blue] (33:\secondradius) -- (33:\radius) node[yshift=4pt,midway, sloped, font=\fontsize{5}{5}\selectfont] {$d\varepsilon$};
  \fill[blue] (O) circle (1pt);
  \node[below] at (O) {\scriptsize$x^2$};
  \draw[-stealth] (75:1.7) node[above] {\scriptsize$k^{th}$\tiny neighbour} -- (57:1.2) coordinate (B);
  \fill[red] ($(B)+(0.01,-0.05)$) circle (1pt);
  \fill (0.75,1.5) circle (1pt);
  \fill (1.25,1.75) circle (1pt);
  \fill (1.7,0.75) circle (1pt);
  \fill (0.7,0.2) circle (1pt);
  \fill (0.5,-0.17) circle (1pt);
  \fill (-0.5,-0.17) circle (1pt);
  \fill (-0.5,0.7) circle (1pt);
  \fill (-0.1,0.8) circle (1pt);
  \fill (-0.4,2.2) circle (1pt);


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Class: Figures
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