\tikzfading[name=arrowfading, top color=transparent!0, bottom color=transparent!95]
\tikzset{arrowfill/.style={#1,general shadow={fill=black, shadow yshift=-0.8ex, path fading=arrowfading}}}
\tikzset{arrowstyle/.style n args={3}{draw=#2,arrowfill={#3}, single arrow,minimum height=#1, single arrow,
single arrow head extend=.3cm,}}
\NewDocumentCommand{\tikzfancyarrow}{O{2cm} O{FireBrick} O{top color=OrangeRed!20, bottom color=Red} m}{
\tikz[baseline=-0.5ex]\node [arrowstyle={#1}{#2}{#3}] {#4};
This is my \tikzfancyarrow{fancy} arrow\\
This is my \tikzfancyarrow[3cm]{fancy} arrow. \lipsum[1]
Here is another \tikzfancyarrow[2.5cm][Orchid][top color= Thistle,bottom color=Orchid]{example} of \tikzfancyarrow[3cm][SeaGreen][top color= SpringGreen,bottom color=Teal]{tikzfancyarrow} with different coloring possibility.
There is also a \tikzfancyarrow[1.5cm][DarkBlue][top color= PaleTurquoise,bottom color=DeepSkyBlue,shape border rotate=270]{rotated} arrow pointing down and a rotated\tikzfancyarrow[1.5cm][Crimson][top color= Coral,bottom color=DarkOrange,shape border rotate=90]{\phantom{cf}} arrow pointing up, upon the desire needs.
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