Books found : 8

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UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook.pdf

Thumbnail of book UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook.pdf cover

The UNIX System Administration Handbook, written by Tim O'Reilly and others, offers a comprehensive guide to managing UNIX and Linux systems in production environments. Covering essential topics such as basic administration, networking, and supplementary information, this book provides hands-on advice, pragmatic insights, and in-depth coverage of major variants. With a focus on practicality and real-world scenarios, it serves as a valuable resource for both novice and experienced system administrators, enriched by contributions from experts in the field.

Modern Physics - Paul A. Tipler & Ralph A. Llewellyn

Thumbnail of book Modern Physics - Paul A. Tipler & Ralph A. Llewellyn cover

Embark on a riveting journey through the cosmos with "Modern Physics" by Paul A. Tipler and Ralph A. Llewellyn. Unravel the complexities of quantum mechanics and relativity in this captivating exploration. This book, filled with concise explanations and thought-provoking insights, demystifies the intricacies of modern physics. Join me in an intellectual adventure where Tipler and Llewellyn guide you through the forefront of scientific discovery. Elevate your understanding of the universe with this enlightening read.

Chemins vers l'analyse

Thumbnail of book Chemins vers l'analyse cover

Découvrez les fondements de l'analyse mathématique avec 'Chemins vers l'analyse' de Francis Pécastaings. Ce livre complet propose une riche collection d'exercices, accompagnée de solutions détaillées et de rappels de cours concis, adaptés aux classes préparatoires et aux premiers cycles universitaires. Embarquez dans un voyage de découverte intellectuelle à travers un parcours structuré qui renforce les compétences analytiques et approfondit la compréhension. Une ressource essentielle pour les étudiants naviguant dans les complexités de l'analyse mathématique.

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