Books found : 10

search term: plant based recipes

Modern C++ Programming Cookbook

Thumbnail of book Modern C++ Programming Cookbook cover

Discover 'Modern C++ Programming Cookbook' by Marius Bancila, Second Edition. Master C++ core language and standard library features with over 100 recipes, updated to C++20. Ideal for developers looking to enhance their proficiency in modern C++ development.

Python Programming Cookbook

Thumbnail of book Python Programming Cookbook cover

Explore "Python Programming Cookbook," a hands-on guide with practical recipes for solving programming challenges in Python. Perfect for both beginners and experienced developers.

C++ Game Animation Programming

Thumbnail of book C++ Game Animation Programming cover

Discover "C++ Game Animation Programming" by Michael Dunsky and Gabor Szauer, a comprehensive guide that teaches modern animation techniques from theory to implementation using C++, OpenGL, and Vulkan. Perfect for both novice and experienced developers aiming to master game animation.

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