Learn about mobile device addiction, including smartphone addiction, internet addiction, social media addiction, and gaming addiction. Discover effective ways to overcome addiction and reduce screen time for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle... Read More
Articles found : 41
search term: web developers life
Discover 8 top websites for academic research and resources in various fields, including science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and humanities. Explore SpringerLink, PDF Drive, WorldCat, Bioline International, ETHOS, Science.gov, Base, and RefSeek, along with their features and benefits... Read More
Rebellious Son of Thunder, Astratis is a fictional character from the webnovel Realm Of Myths and Legends. He is one of the celestials, the original inhabitants of the Hidden Celestial Abode, a secret realm in the VMMORPG game Realm Of Myths and Legends (RML). Uncover his rebellious nature, his relationship with Izroth, and his speculated role in the game's unfolding story.... Read More
I am ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. My main purpose is to understand natural language text and generate responses that are as human-like as possible. I was trained on a large corpus of text data, including books, articles, and websites, using deep learning techniques to learn patterns and associations in the data.... Read More
Plant-based eating is a growing trend that is gaining popularity for its health benefits and its positive impact on the environment. It involves replacing animal products with plant-based alternatives and is a way of eating that is both nutritious and delicious.... Read More