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search term: sci fi tv series
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in this 7th part of this tutorial series about PHP object oriented programmig, we will add a very important part of any website, an input field to search the website, in this particular website the input search field will help us search the wallpapers and we will add an autocomplete component using jquery-ui... Read More

Keywords: php web design web development angular javascript ...
Unveiling the Enigma: Dembski's Universal Probability Bound Explained Thumbnail

Explore the intricacies of the universal probability bound, as elucidated by William Dembski, and its implications for the randomness versus design debate in the cosmos. Dive into the mathematical underpinnings, including Planck's constant, and discover why chance alone may not account for the complexities of existence.... Read More

Keywords: universal probability bound William Dembski chance versus design cosmos randomness ...

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