This article explains the concept of decorators in Python, which allow modifying the behavior of functions or classes at runtime. It includes a simple example of a decorator and a real-life usage example in a Flask application.... Read More
Articles found : 24
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This article discusses the fascinating concept of extracting text from images using Python and Pytesseract. It covers the installation process of Pytesseract and PIL, and provides a simple code example to extract text from an image. The article also highlights the limitations of Pytesseract and suggests experimenting with different configurations to achieve the best results.... Read More
1K, 1.234M Human readable formatted numbers in PHP, Python, C and C++ ... Read More
Often times when we are editing our files, we need a faster way to produce hundreds, even thousands of lines with repetitive content or lines that have some variables that change on every line and it would be tedious to write them manually. Here comes Python.... Read More
Elevate your Flask application's database resilience with the powerful retry_database_connection decorator. Discover effective strategies to optimize code, handle concurrency challenges, and ensure a smooth user experience. Explore advanced Flask development techniques for robust database interactions. Happy coding!... Read More