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Unlock PDFs: A Professional Python Guide for Password Removal

Category: Python

Date: January 2024
Views: 645

Unlocking password-protected PDFs may seem like a daunting task, but fear not—we're about to navigate this challenge with the precision of a seasoned professional. In this tutorial, we'll employ a Python script to gracefully remove password protection from PDFs. Buckle up for a journey through virtual environments, package installations, and the creation of a streamlined shell script.

Step 1: Crafting Your Virtual Workspace

Begin by establishing a controlled environment for our operations. Open your terminal and execute the following commands:

python3 -m venv ~/bin/venv
source "${HOME}/bin/venv/bin/activate"

This sets the stage for a confined space where our operations won't interfere with other spells in your magical repertoire.

Step 2: Acquiring the Necessary Components

Every professional wizard needs the right tools. In our case, it's the PyMuPDF package. Install it with the following command:

pip install PyMuPDF

This package equips us with the necessary spells to manipulate PDFs seamlessly.

Step 3: The Python Script:

Now, let's delve into the core of our magic—the Python script. Create a file named and insert the following code:

import os
import sys
import fitz

def remove_password(input_pdf, output_pdf, password):
        doc =

        print(f"Password removed successfully. Output saved to {output_pdf}")

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: {e}")

filename = sys.argv[1]
passw = sys.argv[2]
remove_password(filename, "output.pdf", passw)


This script encapsulates the essence of our professional endeavor to liberate PDFs.

Step 4: Streamlining with a Shell Script:

Professionals appreciate efficiency. Create a shell script named for a more streamlined process:

source "${HOME}/bin/venv/bin/activate"
python "${HOME}/bin/" "$1" "$2"

Step 5: Aliasing for Convenience

To further enhance efficiency, create an alias for the shell script by adding the following line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:

alias unlockpdf="${HOME}/bin/"

Now, unlocking PDFs becomes as simple as issuing the command:

unlockpdf secret.pdf mysecretpassword

In conclusion, armed with your virtual enclave, Python prowess, and a streamlined shell script, you're well-equipped to tackle PDF password protection with the finesse of a seasoned professional. Happy unlocking!


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