Articles found : 25

search term: privacy and security
apple iPhone Thumbnail

Apple has yielded to pressure from European legislators and announced plans to open up its mobile operating system. The changes, which may come into effect with iOS 17, are expected to be significant. Third-party app stores may be allowed, with the messaging system and many built-in apps on iPhones and iPads being replaced by open options.... Read More

Keywords: Apple iOS third-party app stores built-in apps Security concerns ...
unlock password protected pdf files with python Thumbnail

Unlock PDFs effortlessly with this Python guide! Learn to remove password protection using a streamlined script. Craft a virtual workspace, install the necessary packages, and create a shell script for seamless PDF liberation. Elevate your professional wizardry and bid farewell to PDF password constraints... Read More

Keywords: PDF password removal Python script virtual environment setup PyMuPDF shell script ...

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