Learn how to configure mpd, mpc, and ncmpcpp for seamless music playback on your system. Enhance your experience with a custom bash script for simplified control of your music player daemon through mpc commands... Read More
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search term: longest running sci fi show
We will use the MySQL function TIMESTAMPDIFF, the process is simple enough : we check the difference between the last time a user identified by its IP adress viewed our page and the current time, if the said difference is greater than a defined value, we increment the view.... Read More
A Tag cloud is a section of your website that shows a cluster of words that are different in size according to how many times they appear in your website.... Read More
Every php file you create must be included at some point before you use it. but as the website becomes bigger and the number of files increases, it becomes extremely difficult to keep track of the files. if you can't organize your code you might find yourself including the same file multiple times. and the code itself will look ugly and might not be resources friendly... Read More
Often times when we are editing our files, we need a faster way to produce hundreds, even thousands of lines with repetitive content or lines that have some variables that change on every line and it would be tedious to write them manually. Here comes Python.... Read More