A Tag cloud is a section of your website that shows a cluster of words that are different in size according to how many times they appear in your website.... Read More
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search term: linux directory to iso
For a Blog or any website to thrive and grow, it must have a way to interact with its visitors, to get their opinions, expectations and criticism. And what a better way to do all this than a section for comments for the visitors and customers to express their opinions and make their voice heard.... Read More
One of the best things in Bash is the extensive tools we can use to manipulate strings. you can extract substrings , replace or delete them, and do much more... Read More
We will decide how our website will Handle the URLS, to comply with Google recommendations for building the urls, we will not use GET parameters, instead we will build our own logic to handle the parts of our URLS... Read More
Loops are an important part of any programming language, they offer a way to repeat commands or instruction without repeating lines of code, the for loop comes in different styles in bash scripting... Read More