This article discusses the fascinating concept of extracting text from images using Python and Pytesseract. It covers the installation process of Pytesseract and PIL, and provides a simple code example to extract text from an image. The article also highlights the limitations of Pytesseract and suggests experimenting with different configurations to achieve the best results.... Read More
Articles found : 44
search term: image editing software
Learn how to extract the first page from a PDF file as a PNG image file using PyMuPDF's fitz module. This article explains the features of the fitz module and provides a Python script for extracting PDF pages as images. A bash script is also provided to demonstrate how to activate a local virtual environment and run the Python script with the necessary dependencies.... Read More
At this point we will start adding some HTML code to our website. and our website will start looking beautiful little by little as we add more features to it... Read More
We will use the MySQL function TIMESTAMPDIFF, the process is simple enough : we check the difference between the last time a user identified by its IP adress viewed our page and the current time, if the said difference is greater than a defined value, we increment the view.... Read More
Explore essential Vim commands, configuration tips, and plugin setups to enhance your text editing efficiency. Learn about installing Vim, mastering plugin configurations, and optimizing Vim for various filetypes.... Read More