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search term: flask tutorial
How to Shade the Area Under a Curve in Seconds Thumbnail

This article provides a tutorial on how to shade an area under a curve using LaTeX, specifically the tikz and pgfplots packages. It includes a complete LaTeX code with the necessary packages and settings. The article also explains the purpose of each package and parameter used in the code. This tutorial is helpful for anyone who wants to create high-quality graphs and plots with LaTeX.... Read More

Keywords: latex tikz pgfplots shading curve ...
None Thumbnail

For this tutorial, I assume that you have a basic knowledge of php and classes and objects, the programming language doesn't matter, for the principle of classes and object is the same. What will be the key point of this tutorial is to show you how to implement these abstract notions in a real life website using a real database.... Read More

Keywords: tutorial php programming

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