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PymuPDF python library Thumbnail

Learn how to extract the first page from a PDF file as a PNG image file using PyMuPDF's fitz module. This article explains the features of the fitz module and provides a Python script for extracting PDF pages as images. A bash script is also provided to demonstrate how to activate a local virtual environment and run the Python script with the necessary dependencies.... Read More

Keywords: PyMuPDF fitz module PDF image extraction virtual environment ...
The Blacklist poster containing images of  James Spader and Megan Boone Thumbnail

One of the show's most intriguing aspects is the "Blacklist," a list of dangerous criminals that Reddington provides to the FBI. Each episode features Reddington helping the FBI track down and capture a new criminal from the Blacklist, which ranges from terrorists and spies to serial killers and mob bosses. The Blacklist also serves as a way for the show to explore the criminal underworld and introduce new characters and storylines.... Read More

Keywords: The Blacklist crime thriller Raymond Reddington FBI Megan Boone ...

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