Articles found : 47

search term: advanced python project
Enhance Your i3 Desktop with wchanger: A Versatile Wallpaper Changer Thumbnail

wchanger is a versatile wallpaper changer script designed for i3 users, offering seamless integration into the i3 environment. Although the repository is no longer actively updated, the 5-year-old code still functions well, albeit with room for improvement. Explore the GitHub repository and contribute to its development!... Read More

Keywords: wallpaper changer i3 Desktop Customization wchanger script ...
Flask Web Development Best Practices: Designing a Safe Delete Feature Thumbnail

Discover how to implement a secure delete functionality for books in your Flask application. This comprehensive guide covers backend considerations for authentication, file deletion, and database operations, complemented by a compact yet effective Jinja2 template for the frontend. Enhance user experience with a small "Delete" button and a JavaScript confirmation popup, preventing accidental deletions. Explore the world of Flask functionalities and feel free to reach out for personalized articles tailored to your specific interests... Read More

Keywords: Flask Flask application secure delete backend security frontend design ...
None Thumbnail

in this 7th part of this tutorial series about PHP object oriented programmig, we will add a very important part of any website, an input field to search the website, in this particular website the input search field will help us search the wallpapers and we will add an autocomplete component using jquery-ui... Read More

Keywords: php web design web development angular javascript ...

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