Books found : 37

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Modern Physics - Paul A. Tipler & Ralph A. Llewellyn

Thumbnail of book Modern Physics - Paul A. Tipler & Ralph A. Llewellyn cover

Embark on a riveting journey through the cosmos with "Modern Physics" by Paul A. Tipler and Ralph A. Llewellyn. Unravel the complexities of quantum mechanics and relativity in this captivating exploration. This book, filled with concise explanations and thought-provoking insights, demystifies the intricacies of modern physics. Join me in an intellectual adventure where Tipler and Llewellyn guide you through the forefront of scientific discovery. Elevate your understanding of the universe with this enlightening read.

Le fascinant nombre Pi - Jean-Paul Delahaye

Thumbnail of book Le fascinant nombre Pi - Jean-Paul Delahaye cover

Découvrez "Le fascinant nombre Pi" de Jean-Paul Delahaye, un livre captivant explorant les multiples facettes de cette constante mathématique emblématique. Plongez dans l'histoire, les propriétés et les applications de π d'une manière accessible et engageante.

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