Books found : 62

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Exercices développement limité corrigés

Thumbnail of book Exercices développement limité corrigés  cover

Découvrez un corrigé détaillé des exercices sur les développements limités, idéal pour les étudiants en mathématiques. Apprenez les méthodes et stratégies des séries de Taylor et des approximations locales à travers des exercices pratiques et leurs solutions complètes

C++ How To Program 10th edition

Thumbnail of book C++ How To Program 10th edition  cover

Explore 'C++ How to Program: Introducing the New C++14 Standard,' a comprehensive guide by Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel. Perfect for beginners and experienced programmers, it covers C++ fundamentals, object-oriented programming, C++14 features, STL, and advanced topics with practical examples and exercises.

Basic Physics: A Self-Teaching Guide, Third Edition

Thumbnail of book Basic Physics: A Self-Teaching Guide, Third Edition cover

Explore the fundamental principles of physics with 'Basic Physics: A Self-Teaching Guide, Third Edition' by Karl F. Kuhn and Frank Noschese. Perfect for self-learners, this guide offers clear explanations, practical exercises, and thorough reviews to enhance your understanding of basic physics concepts.

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