Books found : 213

search term: technology use

Algèbre Géométrique

Thumbnail of book Algèbre Géométrique cover

Explorez la relation entre algèbre et géométrie avec le chef-d'œuvre d'Emil Artin, Algèbre Géométrique. Un ouvrage de référence sur la dualité, l’homographie, et la géométrie projective.

Réduction des endomorphismes

Thumbnail of book Réduction des endomorphismes cover

Explorez les techniques de réduction des endomorphismes avec ce livre de référence clair et pratique. Théorèmes, exercices et exemples pour maîtriser diagonalisation et formes canoniques.

Algebra II: Review and Workbook

Thumbnail of book Algebra II: Review and Workbook  cover

Master Algebra II concepts with ease! "Algebra II: Review and Workbook" offers clear explanations, practical examples, and over 500 practice problems to enhance your skills and boost your confidence in algebra. Perfect for students and self-learners.

Introduction to Topology by Bert Mendelson, 3rd Edition

Thumbnail of book Introduction to Topology by Bert Mendelson, 3rd Edition cover

Explore 'Introduction to Topology' by Bert Mendelson, 3rd Edition. This classic textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to topology, covering basic concepts, metric spaces, topological spaces, continuity, compactness, connectedness, and more with clear explanations, examples, and exercises.

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