Books found : 49

search term: standard model

C++ How To Program 10th edition

Thumbnail of book C++ How To Program 10th edition  cover

Explore 'C++ How to Program: Introducing the New C++14 Standard,' a comprehensive guide by Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel. Perfect for beginners and experienced programmers, it covers C++ fundamentals, object-oriented programming, C++14 features, STL, and advanced topics with practical examples and exercises.

Modern C++ Programming Cookbook

Thumbnail of book Modern C++ Programming Cookbook cover

Discover 'Modern C++ Programming Cookbook' by Marius Bancila, Second Edition. Master C++ core language and standard library features with over 100 recipes, updated to C++20. Ideal for developers looking to enhance their proficiency in modern C++ development.

Modern Physics - Paul A. Tipler & Ralph A. Llewellyn

Thumbnail of book Modern Physics - Paul A. Tipler & Ralph A. Llewellyn cover

Embark on a riveting journey through the cosmos with "Modern Physics" by Paul A. Tipler and Ralph A. Llewellyn. Unravel the complexities of quantum mechanics and relativity in this captivating exploration. This book, filled with concise explanations and thought-provoking insights, demystifies the intricacies of modern physics. Join me in an intellectual adventure where Tipler and Llewellyn guide you through the forefront of scientific discovery. Elevate your understanding of the universe with this enlightening read.

Programmation Python - Conception et optimisation

Thumbnail of book Programmation Python - Conception et optimisation cover

Découvrez dans le livre 'Programmation Python : Conception et optimisation' de Tarek Ziadé, les fondamentaux et les techniques avancées pour maîtriser Python, du développement web à l'optimisation de code. Idéal pour les débutants et les développeurs expérimentés

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