Books found : 124

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Introduction to Topology by Bert Mendelson, 3rd Edition

Thumbnail of book Introduction to Topology by Bert Mendelson, 3rd Edition cover

Explore 'Introduction to Topology' by Bert Mendelson, 3rd Edition. This classic textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to topology, covering basic concepts, metric spaces, topological spaces, continuity, compactness, connectedness, and more with clear explanations, examples, and exercises.

The tcolorbox package Manual for version 4.20

Thumbnail of book The tcolorbox package Manual for version 4.20 cover

The tcolorbox package manual, authored by Thomas F. Sturm, explores version 4.20 (2019/03/02) of the package, offering comprehensive guidance on creating colored and framed text boxes in LaTeX. From installation to advanced customization through option keys, this manual serves as an essential resource for both beginners and experienced LaTeX users. With a focus on practical applications such as example showcases and theorem settings, it also delves into macro usage and provides a quick reference guide for efficient navigation.

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