Books found : 311

search term: covid 19

Maths MP Tout en un

Thumbnail of book Maths MP Tout en un cover

Mettez toutes les chances de votre côté pour réussir vos concours et examens en mathématiques avec cet ouvrage complet. Abordant les principaux thèmes du programme, ce livre offre une approche pratique et efficace grâce à ses nombreux exemples, exercices et solutions. Préparez-vous efficacement avec des indications détaillées pour les TD et réponses aux exercices, le tout rédigé par des experts en la matière.

Les Contre-exemples en Mathématiques - Bertrand Hauchecorne

Thumbnail of book Les Contre-exemples en Mathématiques - Bertrand Hauchecorne cover

Découvrez la deuxième édition enrichie de "Contre-exemples en Mathématiques" de Bertrand Hauchecorne, un ouvrage captivant qui explore la valeur mathématique et pédagogique des contre-exemples. Plongez dans plus de 200 exemples stimulants qui remettent en question les intuitions conventionnelles en mathématiques, offrant ainsi une réflexion approfondie sur la rigueur et la précision du raisonnement mathématique. Que vous soyez étudiant, enseignant ou passionné de mathématiques, ce livre vous promet une expérience intellectuelle enrichissante et divertissante.

UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook.pdf

Thumbnail of book UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook.pdf cover

The UNIX System Administration Handbook, written by Tim O'Reilly and others, offers a comprehensive guide to managing UNIX and Linux systems in production environments. Covering essential topics such as basic administration, networking, and supplementary information, this book provides hands-on advice, pragmatic insights, and in-depth coverage of major variants. With a focus on practicality and real-world scenarios, it serves as a valuable resource for both novice and experienced system administrators, enriched by contributions from experts in the field.

Blum R. Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible 4ed 2021.pdf

Thumbnail of book Blum R. Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible 4ed 2021.pdf cover

Discover the comprehensive resource of the Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible, offering hands-on tutorials, real-world insights, and reference materials. From basic commands to advanced scripting techniques, this book equips sysadmins and Linux enthusiasts with the knowledge to automate tasks, manage system resources, and unleash the full potential of the command line interface. Dive into creating shell scripts, mastering advanced scripting methods, and applying practical solutions in real-world scenarios. Whether you're a seasoned administrator or a home user, this guide empowers you to harness the full power of Linux for efficient system management and scripting prowess

Keywords: Linux command line shell scripting sysadmin automation ...

The tcolorbox package Manual for version 4.20

Thumbnail of book The tcolorbox package Manual for version 4.20 cover

The tcolorbox package manual, authored by Thomas F. Sturm, explores version 4.20 (2019/03/02) of the package, offering comprehensive guidance on creating colored and framed text boxes in LaTeX. From installation to advanced customization through option keys, this manual serves as an essential resource for both beginners and experienced LaTeX users. With a focus on practical applications such as example showcases and theorem settings, it also delves into macro usage and provides a quick reference guide for efficient navigation.

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