Books found : 63

search term: body composition analysis

Python Programming For Beginners by James Herron

Thumbnail of book Python Programming For Beginners by James Herron cover

Discover the essentials of Python with 'Python Programming For Beginners' by James Herron. This comprehensive guide covers fundamental concepts, best practices, and advanced features to help you become proficient in Python programming. Ideal for absolute beginners and those looking to refine their skills.

CAPES Maths 2005 - 1re Composition

Thumbnail of book CAPES Maths 2005 - 1re Composition cover

Découvrez les sujets et les épreuves du concours externe de recrutement de professeurs certifiés ainsi que du concours d'accès à des listes d'aptitude (CAFEP) avec cette première composition de mathématiques en 7 pages. en 5 heurs

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