C++ How To Program 10th edition

Explore 'C++ How to Program: Introducing the New C++14 Standard,' a comprehensive guide by Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel. Perfect for beginners and experienced programmers, it covers C++ fundamentals, object-oriented programming, C++14 features, STL, and advanced topics with practical examples and exercises.

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C++ How to Program: Introducing the New C++14 Standard


"C++ How to Program: Introducing the New C++14 Standard" is a comprehensive textbook designed to teach C++ programming, leveraging the features introduced in the C++14 standard. Authored by Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel, it is part of the Deitel How to Program series, which is well-regarded for its clear explanations and practical examples.

Key Topics Covered

  • C++ Fundamentals: Introduction to the basics of C++ programming, including data types, control structures, functions, arrays, and pointers.

  • Object-Oriented Programming: Detailed coverage of classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and other OOP concepts.

  • C++14 Features: Explanation of the new features and enhancements introduced in the C++14 standard, such as relaxed constexpr restrictions, return type deduction, and more.

  • Standard Template Library (STL): Comprehensive guide to using the STL, including containers, iterators, algorithms, and function objects.

  • Advanced Topics: Discussion of advanced topics such as exception handling, file I/O, and multithreading.

  • Practice and Examples: Numerous examples, exercises, and projects to reinforce learning and provide practical experience.

The book is suitable for beginners as well as experienced programmers looking to update their knowledge to the latest C++ standards. Each chapter includes exercises and case studies to practice the concepts learned.

If you have any specific questions about a chapter or topic from the book, feel free to ask!