Articles found : 49

search term: efficient file copying
Linux, punguin , Gecholinux Thumbnail

Gecholinux is a Linux distribution that is based on the popular Debian operating system. It is designed to be easy to use and lightweight, making it a good option for older or less powerful computers. As someone who has used various Linux distributions over the years, I found Gecholinux to be a solid choice for those looking for a simple and efficient operating system.... Read More

Keywords: Gecholinux Lightweight Security User-friendly Customizable ...
Thumbnail of vim text editor : ftplugin and code snippets Thumbnail

Vim is a highly efficient and versatile text editor that has been around for over two decades. It is widely used by developers, sysadmins, and power users for its unique features and capabilities. Vim offers a rich set of features for editing text, programming, and automation that make it a favorite among users who want to get more done with fewer keystrokes.... Read More

Keywords: vim
PymuPDF python library Thumbnail

Learn how to extract the first page from a PDF file as a PNG image file using PyMuPDF's fitz module. This article explains the features of the fitz module and provides a Python script for extracting PDF pages as images. A bash script is also provided to demonstrate how to activate a local virtual environment and run the Python script with the necessary dependencies.... Read More

Keywords: PyMuPDF fitz module PDF image extraction virtual environment ...

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