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search term: drag and drop
Exploring Linux: A Beginner's Guide to Distributions, DEs, FMs, and Package Managers Thumbnail

Linux is a free, open-source operating system that has become increasingly popular in recent years, both for personal and professional use. It is known for its stability, security, and versatility, and is used by millions of people around the world. This article will provide an overview of the Linux operating system, including the different distributions, desktop environments, package managers, and file managers that are available.... Read More

Keywords: Linux operating system distributions desktop environments file managers ...
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Every php file you create must be included at some point before you use it. but as the website becomes bigger and the number of files increases, it becomes extremely difficult to keep track of the files. if you can't organize your code you might find yourself including the same file multiple times. and the code itself will look ugly and might not be resources friendly... Read More

Keywords: php web design web development angular javascript ...
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For this tutorial, I assume that you have a basic knowledge of php and classes and objects, the programming language doesn't matter, for the principle of classes and object is the same. What will be the key point of this tutorial is to show you how to implement these abstract notions in a real life website using a real database.... Read More

Keywords: tutorial php programming

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