At this point we will start adding some HTML code to our website. and our website will start looking beautiful little by little as we add more features to it... Read More
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search term: djinn of the sahara
We will use the MySQL function TIMESTAMPDIFF, the process is simple enough : we check the difference between the last time a user identified by its IP adress viewed our page and the current time, if the said difference is greater than a defined value, we increment the view.... Read More
A Tag cloud is a section of your website that shows a cluster of words that are different in size according to how many times they appear in your website.... Read More
For a Blog or any website to thrive and grow, it must have a way to interact with its visitors, to get their opinions, expectations and criticism. And what a better way to do all this than a section for comments for the visitors and customers to express their opinions and make their voice heard.... Read More
One of the best things in Bash is the extensive tools we can use to manipulate strings. you can extract substrings , replace or delete them, and do much more... Read More