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Quantum Mechanics Second Edition - Nouredine Zettili

Thumbnail of book Quantum Mechanics Second Edition -  Nouredine Zettili cover

Explore the enriched world of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics with the second edition of this comprehensive textbook. Tailored for both undergraduate and graduate courses, this book offers a well-structured, self-contained narrative accompanied by a diverse collection of examples and problems. Instructors will appreciate the provided resources, while students can master the theoretical foundations and hone their problem-solving skills. Navigate the intricacies of quantum mechanics with clarity and depth, supported by insightful revisions and valuable feedback from eight years of classroom testing. Contact the author or Wiley for complimentary resources.

Algèbre Géométrique

Thumbnail of book Algèbre Géométrique cover

Explorez la relation entre algèbre et géométrie avec le chef-d'œuvre d'Emil Artin, Algèbre Géométrique. Un ouvrage de référence sur la dualité, l’homographie, et la géométrie projective.

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