Articles found : 47

search term: advanced python project
Dive into the Code: C++ Number Guessing Game Tutorial Thumbnail

Explore the source code of a classic C++ number guessing game developed in 2010. Uncover the game's logic, scoring system, and high score handling. Delve into the code structure and gain insights into C++ programming principles. Whether you're a seasoned programmer or a newcomer, this project offers a valuable learning opportunity.... Read More

Keywords: C++ game number guessing game 2010 game development C programming code analysis ...
PymuPDF python library Thumbnail

Learn how to extract the first page from a PDF file as a PNG image file using PyMuPDF's fitz module. This article explains the features of the fitz module and provides a Python script for extracting PDF pages as images. A bash script is also provided to demonstrate how to activate a local virtual environment and run the Python script with the necessary dependencies.... Read More

Keywords: PyMuPDF fitz module PDF image extraction virtual environment ...

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